We believe in fellowship and being in the Word together.
Below are some of our Events and Life Groups.
Quilting Marathon
Saturday, October 5
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
FALL QUILTING MARATHON for Lutheran World Relief
Saturday, October 5th, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Faith Lutheran Education Wing
Breakfast, lunch, snacks and water provided
Free Thrivent T-Shirts for everyone
We will also be assembling fabric kits and Hygiene kits. Your Help is needed to create the quilts and provide help to the world's most needy people.
Adult Bible Study on Sundays
Starting Sunday, October 6
9:45 am
Beginning Sunday, October 6 the group will begin a 6-week study diving into the Book of Galatians with Jada Edwards. Each Sunday morning beginning at 9:45, a video followed by discussion, will be the format to guide us through Galatians. Please come and join us!
S.T.A.R.S. Lunch and Program
Tuesday, October 8
11:30 am
STARS lunch is coming up on Tuesday, October 8 at 11:30 AM. We have a wonderful buffet planned: roast beef, mashed potatoes, a vegetable and roll. It is a FREE will offering, (with a suggested donation of $12/person.) Our guest speakers will be the Hall’s with their legacy therapy dogs. It should be a wonderful program and you won’t want to miss it!
Pastor & Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Sunday, October 13
12:00 pm
October is a special time to let them know how much they matter to us. Let’s shower them with love and kindness throughout the month. Let’s join together to honor our pastors and staff. Please sign up in the Gathering Place on or by Sunday, October 6th so we know how many catered meals to order. Hope to see you there!
Blood Drive
Monday, October 21
Our annual blood drive is coming up on Monday, October 21 from 3-6:30. In the words of Dracula, "I vant your bloooood" ! Please sign up if you can and encourage others to sign up too! The sign-up is outside the Parish Nurse office on the bulletin board. You can also email or text the Nurse Barbara for a time slot to sign up. Blood is desperately needed in our region so if you can help, it would be so appreciated!
Membership at Faith Lutheran
If you’d like to join our Faith family as a Faith Lutheran Church member, contact the church office to complete the short membership form. We will welcome new members during church at an upcoming service.