What to expect when you visit us at Faith . . .
You can expect to be welcomed as you are. We are all children of God and we welcome you to come worship with us! We understand the intimidation that many feel when visiting a new church. We want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit, so we've answered some common questions below. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us by phone (309-762-2824) or using the Contact link at the top of our site.
When are services?
Sunday Services are at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. On 5th Sundays, we meet for one service at 10:00 am.
Between services, you have other options:
Sunday school for all ages from preschool to high school.
Adult Education classes (Life Groups) drop ins are welcome!
Fellowship in the Gathering Space.
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. We are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service rather than what you're wearing. It's not uncommon to see people wearing khakis or jeans. Others prefer to still put on their "Sunday best," and that's fine too! We think you'll fit in no matter how you dress.
Where should I park?
Enter the parking lot from 41st Street and park behind the church for easy access. The doors under the awning lead you right to the Gathering space (church slang for foyer) and sanctuary.
Where do my children go?
We welcome all children to attend worship with you in the service. Most Sundays there is Sunday School at 9:40 am for ages 2 - High School and a Children's Church program at 10:45 am during that service. If your child would like to sit in church with you and needs something to help keep him/her busy during worship, we have Jesus Loves Me Bags with books, coloring books, etc. Ask an usher as you enter the sanctuary as they would love to get one for you to use during the service.
What if my child is noisy?
We welcome all children to attend our services. If you feel uncomfortable with your child's noise level, we offer a staffed nursery. An usher can direct you to the nursery.
Am I expected to put money in the offering?
Like many Christians, our members present offerings to God through their church. Since offerings are gifts for the love of God, no one dictates what each person shall give. We pass an offering plate during the service so that our worship may include bringing gifts to our Lord. (Worshipers can use offering envelopes to keep gifts private). Children often give change or bills their parents give them. Someone may give cash or write a check. Whichever way, we are remembering Jesus and giving gifts out of love for him. You are not required to put money in the offering plate. However, we ask you to prayerfully consider giving to Faith Lutheran. You can give by check or cash during the service, or you can set-up an online giving account. If we have your address, you will receive a receipt for gifts to the church at the end of the year for tax purposes.
I have visual problems, is there any assistance?
Yes! Faith has a large projection screen in the sanctuary so you can follow the service. We also have large print hymnals available from the usher.
What are your services like?
Faith Lutheran offers traditional service at 8:30 am and a contemporary at 10:45 am. The traditional order of service contains the following:
Public forgiveness of sins
Readings from the Bible
Statement of faith (commonly, the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed)
Prayers for the church
At times, we may include additional elements, but these are clearly identified on the screens. We celebrate Holy Communion the second and fourth Sunday of each month. We have an open communion table, anyone who believes that Jesus Christ was sent by God to die for our sins is welcome to commune.
Should I go up for communion?
All who believe that Christ is present in the bread and wine are welcome to receive communion. Grape juice is available for those desiring it, as well as gluten free hosts. Children who have completed Communion instruction are also welcome at the Lord's Table. (We still have disposable communion cups if you'd rather not come forward).