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Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
   only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
   only love can do that.

                    - Martin Luther King Jr.

More information to come soon!


Children's Ministry

Sharing God's Love.

Sunday school, Vacation Bible School and Family events through out the year. As we gather, we practice sharing God's love for one another.  

In Sunday school our children are going through Awana.  Fun filled adventures each Sunday.  Programs for children at 9:40 am (Sunday School) and 10:40 am (Children's Church). Sunday School takes a break during the summer, but Children's Church continues. Check our the "Connect" page for updated events.  Please contact the church for the latest information. 

Junior High Youth

Sharing God's Love.

Junior high youth begin Confirmation, camp, fundraising projects, retreats, and fun activities that friends are always encouraged to attend.

In Sunday school they are going through Awana. 


Senior High Youth

Sharing God's Love.

Senior high youth go to camp, participate in fundraising projects, go on mission trips and retreats.

There is Sunday school each week (there is a break during summer months) and many Life Groups to participate in.  See the calendar for all their events throughout the year.

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